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Flat Screens:

Living Room and Master Bedroom


Use the Optimum  remote.  

When turning on the set, be patient...

There is a  20-30 second delay before it responds.

There is a very small light in the left lower corner of the TV that you can watch to see what's happening. 


Be sure to start at 100+ or you will get a distorted picture as HDTV is required.


To see the remote control click here



  Downstairs Bedroom TVs


     These TVs are receiving a digital signal through a cable connection and must be tuned to Channel 3.

     If you are not getting reception, press the channel button on the set itself (not the remote) until it's on Channel 3.  Then use the remote to make your selections.  Be sure the remote is aimed at the small receiver on the top or under the TV.

Several of the TV sets no longer function, sorry!

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